Wednesday 27 June 2018

Learn Tableau for $19 and turn dull data into game-changing insights


Big Data may be the business buzzword du jour, but modern companies need to know that data isn’t a magical Band-Aid for every problem. To turn impassive, objective numbers into useful, actionable insights, you need to see the data in context. You need to tell its story. You need data visualization. 

Using industry-standard visualization tools like Tableau, analysts can compare data sets, identify trends, and communicate that information to stakeholders in easily understandable terms. Often, these presentations can open up new business opportunities, accelerate growth, and make an impression on the people who hand out promotions. Now you can learn how to leverage Tableau’s game-changing intelligence solutions with the Complete Tableau 10 Data Science Bundle, a collection of five online courses on sale for $19 for a limited time.  Read more...

More about Big Data, Online Learning, Mashable Shopping, Shopping Stackcommerce, and Shopping Solo from Tech

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