Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Facebook's ’Time Management' tool shows it hasn’t stopped treating users like psychological guinea pigs


Facebook is evolving to tackle problems the company itself unwittingly enabled, like election meddling and screen addiction. But the fast-paced nature of Silicon Valley is ultimately holding it back from true accountability.

On Wednesday, Facebook launched "Time Management," or what are essentially tools that allow users to see how much time they're spending in the app, mute notifications, and to set a notification to limit how much they use the app.

Time Management is part of Facebook's overarching goal to improve "wellbeing" on Facebook. Or, to make people enjoy the time they spend on Facebook again, and reverse users' perception of it as an addictive, time-sucking venue for spam and endless flame wars. Read more...

More about Facebook, Instagram, Social Media, Addiction, and Tech from Tech

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