Monday 8 October 2018

Apple doubles down on Chinese hardware hack denial in letter to Congress


Apple really wants everyone to know that it has absolutely no idea what Bloomberg is talking about. Like, not at all. 

As of today, "everyone" includes our elected officials. The Cupertino-based tech giant sent a letter, dated Oct. 8, to four members of Congress explicitly denying a report from Bloomberg Businessweek. The article alleged that the Chinese government had managed to secretly insert tiny chips onto motherboards that eventually found their way into Apple's possession. 

The letter is the latest in a string of categorical denials from the technology company which fundamentally and in no uncertain terms dispute Bloomberg's well-sourced story. Addressed to four members of Congress — Sen. John Thune, Sen. Ben Nelson, Rep. Greg Walden, and Rep. Frank Pallone — and signed by Apple's vice president of information security, George Stathakopoulos, the letter's counterclaims only added to the mounting confusion.   Read more...

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