Monday 1 October 2018

Google's new Easter egg is a secret text adventure game


How much time do Google engineers spend devising elaborate Easter eggs as opposed to actually doing what they're supposed to? We're guessing it's a fair amount, as Google's myriad services and products hold an impressive amount of hidden treasures which don't serve any other purpose except to amuse. 

The latest among these, discovered by Reddit user attempt_number_1 (via RockPaperShotgun) is a fully functional text adventure game, hidden inside the development console of Google's Chrome browser. 

To launch the game, first do a Google search for "text adventure" in Chrome. Then hit Cmd+Option+J  (if you're on a Mac) or Control+Shift+PC (if you're on a PC). A console window will open with the following prompt: "Would you like to play a game? (yes/no)".  Read more...

More about Google, Game, Easter Egg, Text Adventure, and Tech from Tech

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