Friday 21 December 2018

A new iPad mini is reportedly on its way, but it may not be what you hoped for


Apple still hasn't given up on the iPad mini, a new report from China Times claims (via MacRumors) citing sources from Apple's supply chain. 

A new version of the iPad mini, which hasn't been updated since 2015, should arrive in the first half of 2019. But according to the report, the new iPad mini 5 will be a low-cost device, meaning it probably won't receive a major upgrade like the iPad Pro did in October.  

The iPad mini has been on its deathbed — but not quite dead — for a while now. Apple hasn't been updating it, but the company CEO Tim Cook mentioned it by name during the October event. This gave me (and other iPad mini fans, if there are any left at this point) some hope that the company might overhaul the product with smaller bezels and Face ID.  Read more...

More about Apple, Ipad, Tablet, Ipad Mini, and Tech from Tech

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