Friday 21 December 2018

Donald Trump says he knows tech 'better than anyone'. Seriously.


President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, knows tech better than anyone. 

At least, that's what he wrote in a tweet on Friday, while giving the world a little lecture on walls and wheels. 

The Democrats are trying to belittle the concept of a Wall, calling it old fashioned. The fact is there is nothing else’s that will work, and that has been true for thousands of years. It’s like the wheel, there is nothing better. I know tech better than anyone, & technology.....

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 21, 2018

.....on a Border is only effective in conjunction with a Wall. Properly designed and built Walls work, and the Democrats are lying when they say they don’t. In Israel the Wall is 99.9% successful. Will not be any different on our Southern Border! Hundreds of $Billions saved!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 21, 2018

More about Technology, Donald Trump, Tech, and Politics from Tech

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