Monday 24 December 2018

BowWOW: Snapchat just released dog-friendly lenses


That most modern of dilemmas — not being able to employ the full algorithmic might of Snapchat lenses on your canine companion — has finally been resolved. 

That's right, as of today the feature that you historically used to make yourself look like your dog can now be used to make your dog look like ... well, lots of weird stuff. Like, for example, that it has a butterfly on its nose. 

Importantly, these are not human filters that just so happen to work on your pup. Rather, the new lenses are specifically intended to be dropped on dogs, and can do exciting and groundbreaking things like digitally add glasses to you pooch. Or a pizza.  Read more...

More about Dogs, Snapchat, Snap Inc, Tech, and Social Media Companies from Tech

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