Tuesday 29 January 2019

Improve your sleep the smart way with the Soundasleep bluetooth speaker pillow for £35.99


Having trouble getting a good night's sleep? We don't need to tell you that sleep is absolutely vital to your physical health and well-being. If you aren't getting enough sleep then you'll certainly know about it. If you are struggling, then you should check out the Soundasleep bluetooth speaker pillow.

You can create your own, tailored sleep environment with this bluetooth speaker pillow. You can listen to your favourite music, podcast, audiobooks, or even sporting event whilst relaxing. All you need to do is connect the pillow to your smartphone or audio player through bluetooth and away you go. Read more...

More about Sleep, Sleep Products, Pillows, Mashable Shopping, and Shopping Solo

http://bit.ly/2Upol32 from Tech http://bit.ly/2FWZ39d

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