Tuesday 29 January 2019

Vulnerable software that helped cause Equifax breach still being used by major U.S. corporations


Someone at these companies, please update your software!

Hundreds of major U.S. corporations are using the same flawed version of server software that led to the 2017 Equifax breach, according to open source software automation firm, Sonatype. 

In a report published by TechCrunch, Sonatype’s data shows that two-thirds of Fortune 500 companies downloaded unsecure versions of the software, Apache Struts, in the last six months of 2018. Close to 150 million people had their personal information stolen by hackers who broke into the credit reporting agency’s systems. Some of the data stolen included names, social security numbers, birth dates, and addresses.  Read more...

More about Equifax, Equifax Hack, Tech, Cybersecurity, and Big Tech Companies

http://bit.ly/2sXBkwR from Tech http://bit.ly/2Tg8Z0t

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