Monday, 2 March 2020

The best travel app is an iPhone feature you're probably ignoring

The best travel app is an iPhone feature you're probably ignoring

I'm not abandoning Google Maps anytime soon, but I've recently stumbled upon the joys of an app that comes with every iPhone.

I'm talking about the Compass app

I know some people delete it immediately, and most just seem to ignore it (or save it for some hypothetical dire situation). I was one of those people who didn't really think often about cardinal directions until I started traveling abroad earlier this year and found myself with limited data on my monthly plan. It was time to get creative.

Have you ever wanted to delete the compass app? But you are paranoid that you might get lost in the forest, desert, or ocean so you keep it? Because, same.

— Hanna Kim (@hannakimmysmile) January 3, 2020

More about Travel, Tech, Consumer Tech, and Transportation from Tech

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