Monday, 2 March 2020

The Morning After: Previewing 'Final Fantasy VII Remake'

The Morning After: Previewing 'Final Fantasy VII Remake'I've waited decades for the Final Fantasy VII remake. I was here for the PS3 (!) tech demo, the breathless launch announcement at E3 years ago, and now we've reached the final stretch -- the game comes out next month. Last week, I got to play several early chapters at a preview event (the opening chapter is available to play as a demo, now) and I've got mixed feelings as a Final Fantasy die-hard. I think the combat system actually works, and it still feels like FFVII, which surprised me. I have more concerns as to how the developers are going to fill a game that won't even get our party of misfits out of Midgar -- one city in a world of locations. Please don't kill us with fetch quests. --Mat from Yahoo Tech

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