Saturday 25 April 2020

This AI is learning how to replicate your childish penis drawings

This AI is learning how to replicate your childish penis drawings

Bored? You can draw crude dicks like you did in your middle school notebooks, only this time you'll help feed an AI. 

Reddit user and researcher RichardRNN (get it?) trained a recurrent neural network (which is what RNN stands for) to doodle dicks. Naturally, it's called DickRNN. The researcher apparently fed the RNN about 10,000 penile doodles in order to get it up and running, and now it can draw penises of all different sizes and even include pubic hair. 

Why was this created? For one, drawing dicks is fun, but the researcher broke down the reasoning behind DickRNN on its Github page

More about Artificial Intelligence, Ai, Neural Networks, Dickrnn, and Tech from Tech

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