Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Huawei Gentle Monster II: Your glasses can be a headset, too

Huawei Gentle Monster II: Your glasses can be a headset, too

You have to hand it to Huawei: The company never stopped experimenting. 

Huawei's in a tough spot. Once the world's biggest smartphone maker, the company is struggling to produce smartphones due to a U.Strade ban that's been going on for more than a year. It's consequently pretty hard to write a meaningful review of new Huawei Android phones, as they come without Google services. 

But the company still makes a bunch of other, non-Android gadgets, and some of them are pretty interesting. Case in point: the Gentle Monster. Read more...

Huawei X Gentle Monster Eyewar II
The Good
Inconspicuous • Cool • Smart controls
The Bad
Expensive • Mediocre sound quality
The Bottom Line
Huawe's Gentle Monster Eyewar II glasses are a decent choice for someone who needs a Bluetooth headset but doesn't like wearing a headset.
⚡ Mashable Score 3.5
😎 Cool Factor 4.5
📘Learning Curve 3.5
💪Performance 4.0
💵Bang for the Buck 3.0
More about Huawei, Tech, and Consumer Tech from Tech

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