Monday 18 January 2021

Apple sued to remove Telegram over anti-Semitic posts

Apple sued to remove Telegram over anti-Semitic posts

Telegram's star is on the rise, but as the secure messaging app used by protest organizers, political dissidents, revenge porn seekers, and white supremacists alike gets even more popular, reaching more than 500 million active users worldwide in recent days, it faces wider scrutiny. 

Those irked by Telegram's limited content moderation in the past — researchers have nicknamed it "Terrorgram" due to a glut of Nazi extremists — have been complaining into the internet void for years, but a lawsuit filed Sunday adds a new spotlight to the controversy and a unique twist. 

A former U.S. ambassador and White House liaison for the Secretary of State has filed a lawsuit against Apple claiming that by hosting Telegram in its App Store, Apple is inflicting emotional distress upon him as an iPhone XR owner. Apple is also disregarding its own policies by letting App Store users download Telegram, the lawsuit states. The ambassador, Marc Ginsburg, who filed the suit along with his anti-extremism advocacy group The Coalition for a Safer Web, wants Apple to boot Telegram from the App Store and at least $75,000 in damages. Read more...

More about Apple, Telegram, Social Media Companies, Tech, and Big Tech Companies from Tech

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