Thursday 24 August 2017

Apple is not building a car, duh


I told you Apple would never build its own car. 

Okay, maybe Apple wanted to. There was enough smoke around the multi-year Apple Car rumor mill to indicate a fire, somewhere, but the arguments I made in 2015 still hold true.

I outlined six reasons why Apple wouldn't build a car:

  • Manufacturing complexities

  • Unions

  • Lack of automotive expertise

  • Margins and dealerships

  • Not the Apple way

  • Steve Jobs was not really a car guy

As I saw it, the auto industry didn't need Apple. On the whole, it wasn't struggling: It has success, competition, innovation, and a thriving self-driving car race. The workforce and supply chain would be difficult if not impossible to control and Apple's lack of experience in this area meant it would have to learn a ton before it could even catch up to other companies — even upstarts like Tesla, who are already building and selling the cars of the future. Read more...

More about Apple, Driverless Cars, Apple Car, Self Driving Cars, and Tech from Tech

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