Wednesday 29 November 2017

A man just pled guilty for his role in that massive Yahoo hack


Remember that massive Yahoo hack? Not the one in 2013 that resulted in the theft of around a billion users' data, but the breach in 2014 that led to the compromising of some 500 million user accounts? Yeah, that one. 

Well, one of the people involved in the scheme just pled guilty. And, surprise, he claims his role in the plot was to hack accounts the FSB, a Russian security agency, was interested in.

The Department of Justice issued a statement yesterday detailing the plea, which notes that the man, Karim Baratov, is a Canadian national but was in cahoots with the Russian government. Three other defendants were also named in the statement, although U.S. authorities say they remain at large in Russia.  Read more...

More about Yahoo, Russia, Email, Cybersecurity, and Hackers from Tech

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