Wednesday 29 November 2017

New iOS 11 autocorrect bug messes up another super common word


There's another bad iOS autocorrect bug making the rounds and it's almost as bad as the bizarre A[?] bug.

Like the previous bug that autocorrected "I" to "A[?]," the new bug, which appears to also be related to iOS 11, autocorrects the word "it" to "I.T." 

Though it doesn't appear to be nearly as widespread as the A[?] bug, numerous users are reporting autocorrect issues with the word "it." Most seem to be reporting that "it" mysteriously autocorrects to "I.T" though others have also reported issues with "is" autocorrecting to "I.S."

What is clear, though, is that the latest autocorrect issue is proving just as infuriating as the "A[?]" issue which took Apple nearly a week to fixRead more...

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