Tuesday 28 November 2017

Apple macOS High Sierra has a huge security flaw, and it's stupid easy to exploit


Well this isn't good. A bug in Apple macOS High Sierra can let anyone gain admin access to a Mac. To make matters worse, once that access has been gained, an attacker can later log back into the locked device anytime.

Published to Twitter on Tuesday by security researcher Lemi Orhan Ergin, the vulnerability is alarmingly straightforward. The flaw allows someone to create a kind of phantom profile, one that can log into the Mac with admin access, but it won't show up on an real admin accounts.

Once the phantom account is created, a user simply needs to enter "root" as a username and, without entering a password, hit enter to unlock.  Read more...

More about Apple, Security, Hackers, Hacking, and Macos

http://ift.tt/2zOi23a from Tech http://ift.tt/2BnldLn

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