Wednesday 29 November 2017

Apple quietly removes games that glorify extrajudicial killings in the Philippines


iPhone games glorifying Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte and police killing drug users have disappeared from iTunes after more than 100 organizations demanded the games be removed.

The group of 131 organizations signed an open letter last month to Apple CEO Tim Cook asking the tech company to take down the games that mimic the violence of Duterte's war on drugs.

The Asian Network of People who Use Drugs, or ANPUD, led the letter-writing effort in October. The safe-drug-use advocacy group urged the company to remove certain games, including Duterte knows Kung Fu: Pinoy Crime Fighter (seen in the video above), Duterte Running Man Challenge Game, Fighting Crime 2, and Tsip Bato: Ang Bumangga Giba!. Read more...

More about Apple, Gaming, Philippines, App Store, and Philippines War On Drugs from Tech

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