Monday 29 January 2018

A little-known token may be fueling Bitcoin's rise. Critics say it's a scam.


Bitcoin has been on a run. Despite its recent dip, the cryptocurrency has impressed skeptics and believers alike in its monumental rise in value since its creation nine years ago. But all that could be on the verge of change. 

Because while the argument rages on as to whether Bitcoin is in fact a currency or a store of value, one question looms large over all: Just what, exactly, is driving its price growth? Well, a consensus answer is slowly forming among critics, and it doesn't look good for the world of cryptocurrency. 

In fact, it looks so bad that those same critics are predicting Bitcoin could take as much as an 80 percent hit in value. That would mean BTC, which at the time of this writing is worth around $11,085, would drop down to near $2,200.  Read more...

More about Bitcoin, Scams, Bitfinex, Cryptocurrencies, and Tether from Tech

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