Monday 29 January 2018

Twitter influencers suspect a bot 'purge'


Dan LaMorte lost 500 Twitter followers last weekend. As a comedian, he made a joke of it. 

Twitter deleted millions of accounts over night, leading to me losing 500 followers by the time I woke up. At least send me flowers if you’re going to fuck me that hard over night Twitter.

— Dan LaMorte (@DanLaMorte) January 28, 2018

Actress Adina Porter, known for her roles in True Blood and American Horror Story, responded to LaMorte's tweet with her own experience:

I lost 5-6K since yesterday.

— Adina Porter (@AdinaPorter) January 28, 2018

Coincidence? It's difficult to tell, but the drop for both users did come shorty after a New York Times investigation named influential figures who had purchased fake Twitter followers, and exposed a service called Devumi which provides them.  Read more...

More about Tech, Twitter, Celebrities, Retweet, and Twitter Bots from Tech

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