Sunday 28 January 2018

Why this artist taught herself how to build augmented reality creations


Cyrene Quiamco loves Snapchat. It's easy to tell by the Ghostface Chillah plush in her bedroom, the pair of Spectacles in her bag, and the fact that her current Twitter profile picture is a Snapcode. 

There's good reason for her to love it. The app, which was once popularized for sexting and passing notes in class, helped her quit a full-time job at Verizon a few years back to focus on her other passions. As of this week, Quiamco's the first winner of a Snapchat Lens Studio Challenge, where anyone can compete for glory and some tech prizes from Snap Inc. 

More about Photography, Snapchat, Augmented Reality, Apps And Software, and Doodles from Tech

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