Monday 29 January 2018

That national 5G wireless network? Looks like it's not happening


In response to a widely circulated report that the Trump administration is considering construction of a nationalized 5G wireless network, the administration responded by telling Recode it has no serious plans to embark upon such a grandiose plan.

Sunday evening, Axios reported it had obtained a PowerPoint presentation "produced by a senior National Security Council official" detailing how the U.S. needs to build its own 5G wireless networks to guard against China becoming a dominant player in wireless infrastructure and AI. The reported argument, made of PowerPoint slides, is that China is a "malicious actor in the Information Domain" and the U.S. may soon lack the ability to challenge it in an information arms race, and thus become vulnerable to cybersecurity attacks.  Read more...

More about Tech, Internet, Wireless Technology, Trump Administration, and Ajit Pai from Tech

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