Saturday 2 June 2018

Design your own 'Call of Duty'-style video game for less than $20


Video games used to be made by small teams of gamers who wrote their own rules. (Case in point: the original Super Mario Bros. – widely considered to be one of the best and most successful games of all time – was made by a team of only 8 people.) But nowadays, most video games are giant productions with 100+ person teams. It can be hard for independent game designers to compete with these corporate behemoths. Learn how to make your own independent video game with the Hardcore Game Dev Bundle.

And we’re not talking a tiny, throwback pixel-art game like Shovel Knight (nothing against those games – they’re dope!) We’re talking your very own, state-of-the-art Call of Duty-style shooter for under $20. No need to sell your soul to Electronic Arts or attend an expensive gaming university – you can just study these 10 courses and become a bonafide expert in popular gaming platforms like Unity, JavaScript, and SpriteKit. Read more...

More about Video Games, Mashable Shopping, Shopping Stackcommerce, Shopping Solo, and Tech from Tech

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