Thursday 27 April 2017

Google researcher figures how to make great night photos with a smartphone


Name the number one problem with smartphone cameras. If you picked "nighttime photos," we agree: While smartphone cameras have improved by orders of magnitude in the last decade, due to the constraints of their tiny lenses, low light conditions are still their Achilles' heel. 

But a Google researcher might have a software solution to that problem — one that actually works, that is. 

Florian Kainz, who works as a software engineer at Google's Daydream team, has developed a technique that let him take photos in very dark conditions with the Google Pixel and Google Nexus 6P phones and get results that are comparable to photos taken with a DSLR on a tripod.  Read more...

More about Google, Smartphone Camera, Low Light Photography, Nighttime Photography, and Smartphone Photography from Tech

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