Friday 28 April 2017

Richard Branson's supersonic jets could find a landing spot in Dubai


Dubai boldly brands itself as "The Future City," with space age architecture, next-level tech hubs, and paradigm-shifting transportation systems — so it's only fitting that the resurgence of supersonic travel could find a home amid all the other next-gen innovations here.

The leaders of Boom, the supersonic jet startup backed by Richard Branson, gave a pitch presentation to the Dubai Future Foundation earlier this week, according to the UAE publication The National.

Boom's founder and CEO Blake Scholl outlined the company's plans for the audience, which included the potential for flights from Dubai to London in under five hours at the same cost of a first-class seat on any other airline by 2023.   Read more...

More about Concorde, Richard Branson, Dubai, Supersonic Flight, and Boom from Tech

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