Tuesday 31 January 2017

These bikes are taking the clean commute to the next level


As the state of our climate becomes increasingly dire, more and more people are looking into adopting a cleaner commute.

Though carpooling does help, biking is a much better option. Not only are you decreasing your carbon footprint, but you're also getting some fresh air in the process. Seems like a win-win.

For those who are ready to make this change, Juicer Electric Motorbikes is helping to make the transition a little bit easier. 

They design and build energy-efficient electric bikes from the ground up, taking an idea from pencil to paper to metal. The bikes Juicer crafts are sure to please the eye, as well as the environmentally-conscious consumer.  Read more...

More about Hyatt Incubator, Clean Energy, Bikes, Sponsored, and Tech

http://ift.tt/2jRCk1Z from Tech http://ift.tt/2jRsjSg

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