Tuesday 31 January 2017

What the tech industry would look like without immigrants


Jordan Gonen couldn't stop staring at Twitter over the weekend. 

He, like many interested in Silicon Valley and the tech industry, watched drama unfold online where CEOs and techies shared their stances in 140 characters, images or live videos from protests around the country — all speaking out against Trump's executive order, where people from seven Muslim-majority nations are barred from entering the United States. 

"My dad came [to America] from Israel after the army. I always looked up to what immigrants have done," Gonen said. "Everyone was posting that stat of 40 percent of the Fortune 500 was founded by immigrants." Read more...

More about Business, Tech, Immigration Ban, Donald Trump, and Silicon Valley

http://ift.tt/2kn7pLF from Tech http://ift.tt/2kcCoIi

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