Monday 30 January 2017

This space agency is planning to launch 104 satellites in one go

India is looking at the sky once again as it preps for another world record next month. 

The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) will attempt to launch 104 satellites on a single rocket in February. 

ISRO’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle will carry three satellites from India, and another 101 smaller nano satellites from five countries including the USA. 

If things go as planned, ISRO would be able to surpass, by a long margin, the record set by Russia, which sent 37 satellites in one go in 2014. 

ISRO's attempt, however, is more about making satellite launches cheaper than shattering records. "Target of PSLV-C37 to launch the maximum number of satellites, tentatively on Feb. 15 is not for creating a record or publicity, it is aimed at cutting the costs down," Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre director K Sivan told The Times of India. Read more...

More about Satellite, Rockets, Space, Isro, and India from Tech

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