Tuesday 25 April 2017

Facebook's fake news problem was so bad even Barack Obama talked to him about it


After a long, confusing, fake news-filled 2016 election in which Donald Trump became President of the United States, Barack Obama was one of the many people to take shots at Facebook's role in spreading fake news.

But according to a new New York Times Magazine article published online on Tuesday, Obama didn't just complain about fake news, he also spoke directly to Mark Zuckerberg it. 

In the article, titled "Can Facebook Fix Its Own Worst Bug," writer Farhad Manjoo investigated Facebook's efforts to adapt to and fix the problem of fake news on social media. While interviewing Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg for the story, Manjoo asked if he had spoken to Obama about the former president's complaints. And according to the New York Times Magazine, "Zuckerberg paused for several seconds, nearly to the point of awkwardness, before answering that he had."  Read more...

More about Tech, Social Media, Conversations, Fake News, and Facebook

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