Saturday 22 April 2017

How to pick the right camera for 360 video


Yes, those 360-degree videos you see sometimes on YouTube and Facebook are purty, not just because they're new and shiny, but because they're more immersive than even the most stunning two-dimensional Instagram images. But how do those video wizards create them, you may ask?

Although some of those videos were definitely created using very expensive and sophisticated cameras, it's absolutely possible to create your own 360 videos easily — and cheaply. 

But before we get into specifics, it's important to understand what 360 video is and isn't. First: It's not "virtual reality." An experience isn't truly VR unless it has an interactive element. Ideally, that interactivity will come with an interface or controls that allow you to truly engage the environment and control your position and perspective in it, rather than simply allowing you to passively look around at panoramic video imagery.  Read more...

More about Gopro, Cameras, Ricoh Theta, Gear 360, and Samsung from Tech

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