Friday 22 December 2017

Cybersecurity researchers breach Windows 10 facial recognition with a photo


Researchers at the German IT Security company SySS GmbH successfully fooled the Windows 10 facial recognition system by using a printed photo of the user's face.

Their spoofing efforts were published on the cybersecurity site Seclists on Dec. 18. The cybersecurity experts bypassed Windows Hello — which is Microsoft's password-free security software — on both a Dell and Microsoft laptop running different versions of Windows 10, which is cause for concern for anyone using this feature to log into their account. 

Deceiving Windows 10 didn't take too much effort. It just required "having access to a suitable photo of an authorized person" to "easily" bypass the system, wrote the experts. The photo required is the full image of someone's face — so if someone really wants to attempt to deceive the facial recognition system, the barriers aren't too great.  Read more...

More about Tech, Cybersecurity, Windows 10, Computer Security, and Windows Hello from Tech

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