Thursday 28 December 2017

Team Trump tried to diss Obama in its website code, but couldn't even get that right


The 45th president of the United States, Donald Trump, has tried, and failed, at many things over the course of his questionable career. From Trump University to Trump Steaks, the man who would be king seems to repeatedly stumble into avoidable morass after morass despite his promises to only surround himself with "the best people."

But if there was one thing he was supposed to be good at, it was insultsLittle Marco, low-energy Jeb, Rocket Man — all trash bon mots tailor-made for the reality-TV era. It would seem, however, that the hater-in-chief’s team can’t quite translate his petulance to the digital realm.  Read more...

More about Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Websites, Javascript, and Tech from Tech

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