Thursday 24 May 2018

How to use GDPR to clean out your inbox once and for all


You might have noticed a slew of odd-looking emails landing in your inbox lately. Desperate subject lines like "please don't go" and "is it really over" abound. 

These thirsty emails aren't the handiwork of a scorned ex—they're from brands complying with Europe's new General Data Protection Regulation by asking us if we'd like to remain subscribed to their marketing emails. 

So, let us all take this opportunity to clean out our poor, detritus-ridden inboxes. Thank you, GDPR, for this enormous favour. 

But, before we count all our chickens, let's just take a second to make sure we know precisely how to unburden ourselves of the scourge of marketing emails. Mashable spoke to GDPR experts to find out precisely what we need to do to be free once and for all.  Read more...

More about Watercooler, Uk, Privacy, Data, and Gdpr from Tech

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