Thursday 24 May 2018

Working in IT is the new gold rush so get certified and head west (or just download these training courses)


As of last year, there were some 627,000 unfilled jobs in the technology market, and that number has only grown since then. Why? Almost every industry — from Wall Street to Hollywood to social media companies to car factories — needs IT professionals. Just look at the cybersecurity sector: thanks to the ever-increasing threats of data theft and cyber-terrorism, that industry is going to need 3.5 million warm bodies to help secure the web by 2021. 

As you might guess, these highly valued professions are commensurately rewarding. In fact, the average IT gig pays $87K a year and is likely to last, as IT unemployment is currently below 2.5%. There’s also plenty of headroom in such a job, with the average computer and information systems manager making over $120K. But if you want to stake your claim in this booming market, and open up those six-figure opportunities, you’ll need to know a lot more than, “Try turning it off and on again.” You’ll need to get certified.  Read more...

More about It, Mashable Shopping, Shopping Stackcommerce, Shopping Solo, and Shopping Onlinelearning from Tech

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