Tuesday 19 December 2017

Republicans are coming out with a 'net neutrality' plan that will only please internet providers


Fresh after the gutting of the net neutrality rules of the Federal Communications Commission, Republicans in Congress are working on a bill that would allow internet providers to create fast lanes, according to a source that has seen a synopsis of the bill.

The FCC previously had strong net neutrality regulations put in place under the Barack Obama administration. Under the Donald Trump administration, the FCC voted on Thursday to undo those rules and effectively remove the FCC from regulating internet providers.

The bill means the FCC would enforce some elements of net neutrality. Under the new bill, internet providers would not be able to block websites or throttle internet speeds, which are the most basic rules that open internet supporters advocate for. Read more...

More about Net Neutrality, Tech, and Activism

http://ift.tt/2yZc8Xu from Tech http://ift.tt/2oNfrBf

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