Friday 1 December 2017

The secret workforce that does the tedious work of the online economy


It's the end of the month, and you're furiously uploading receipts to submit to your employer for reimbursement. It's been a busy few weeks — too many Lyft trips to count — so you have a lot to expense. Thankfully, the online reporting platform you use employs some kind of fancy schmancy AI to automatically detect how much you spent and where you spent it, changing emailed and crumpled paper receipts into digital reports with ease. 

Or, so you think, anyway. But like the famed 18th century Mechanical Turk that wowed people around the world with its seeming ability to play chess, things aren't exactly what they seem. Your boss, it turns out, might not be the only one seeing your expense reports.  Read more...

More about Amazon, Online Shopping, Mechanical Turk, Tech, and Big Tech Companies from Tech

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