Thursday 21 December 2017

Walmart continues to gird itself for the battle against Amazon


As Amazon's plan for world domination has swallowed Whole Foods, competing supermegachain Walmart is rolling out more plans to fight back in an ongoing battle of David Goliath versus Goliath.

The latest examples of Walmart's plan to keep up with Amazon? Personal shoppers and a cashier-less store, according to Recode

The personal shopping project is part of Walmart's Code Eight subsidiary, which seems to be focusing on higher-end city shoppers, not necessarily Walmart's core demographic. The cashier-less store move is being spearheaded by Walmart's incubator Store No. 8, which is aiming for a business without no checkout lines.  Read more...

More about Amazon, Walmart, Whole Foods, Tech, and Big Tech Companies from Tech

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