Friday 28 September 2018

Hurry because there's 10% off everything on eBay with this code


Where's a loudspeaker when you need one? There's 10 percent off everything on eBay. Yes that's right. Do I need to say it louder for the people in the back? There's 10 percent off everything on eBay!

OK so there are a few catches — there always are. But the catches don't sound so cool through an imaginary loudspeaker. 

So the easy bit first: You need to use the code PAYDAY at the checkout. Now for the real catch: There's a minimum spend and a maximum discount. You need to spend at least £20 and you can only get a £50 discount. But hey, £50 is £50.

Get in there quick because this code expires at 8 p.m. on Sept. 28. Read more...

More about Ebay, Mashable Shopping, Shopping Solo, Shopping Uk, and Uk Deals from Tech

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