Wednesday 26 September 2018

Lyft challenges even more cities to ditch the car


Chicago was the first city to accept the challenge of going car-free for an entire month. Now, residents of 35 additional cities throughout the U.S. and Canada can play along and find out if they can get through more than 30 days without hopping into the driver's seat.

When Lyft challenged Chicago to #DitchWithLyft for the month of August, more than 1,000 people signed up within 24 hours of the call going out. Only 100 people were selected from among the eager car-ditchers. (No word on how many succeeded on making it the whole month, but they all get points for trying.)

Before trying to go car-less for a month (it's all through the honor system), nearly 90 percent of the Chicago participants admitted driving their own car was stressful because of finding parking. Second most stress-inducing feature of driving? Traffic jams. After a month of no driving, 90 percent of the challengers said they no longer feel the need to drive themselves to go to work, the gym, or out. Progress?  Read more...

More about Uber, Lyft, Ride Hailing Apps, Tech, and Transportation from Tech

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