Tuesday 25 September 2018

'Moving hotel' Cabin adds bump-canceling beds on its overnight bus


A lot of things go bump in the night, especially a bus traveling 60 mph down Interstate 5 from San Francisco to Santa Monica, California.

But if Cabin, the bus-hotel startup that's driven 10,000 passengers on overnight trips between San Francisco and SoCal since launching in July 2017, can do something about what they call "road turbulence" they think they can get more people to sleep better while traveling.

Co-founders Tom Currier and Gaetano Crupi have developed a new suspension system for the three converted sleep buses in the Cabin fleet. Calling it Cabin Cloud, they plan to have the beds equipped with the new tech that uses sensors, accelerometers, small motors, and predictive algorithms to know when the bus ride is about to get bumpy and what to do about it.  Read more...

More about Hotel, Sleep, Hospitality, Bus, and Beds

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