Friday 28 September 2018

Yes, you can get more Dynamic Desktop wallpapers for Mojave. Here's how.


I admit: I'm fascinated by Apple's new Dynamic Desktop feature, which became widely available with the launch of macOS Mojave last week. There's just something magical about a wallpaper that shows a fixed-point view that changes as your day goes by. 

However, Apple only offers two Dynamic Desktop wallpapers by default: One a beautiful photo of the Mojave desert, and the other a somewhat bland, ever-changing color gradient. 

If that's not enough for you, there's a solution: A couple of them, in fact. 

Back in June, developer Marcin Czachurski discovered that Apple's dynamic wallpapers are a bunch of images and a short text file describing certain properties of the image, such as altitude and azimuth (which pinpoint the position of the Sun when the image was taken).  Read more...

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