Wednesday 29 March 2017

How the Note 7 disaster got Samsung to rethink the battery for the Galaxy S8


After Samsung figured out what went wrong with the Galaxy Note 7, it set to get in front of any battery problems for future phones. The main result was the highly publicized eight-point battery check, which incorporates new and existing tests for battery flaws.

What hasn't been revealed until now is that Samsung altered the battery design of its next flagship, the Galaxy S8, in the wake of the Note 7.

On the spec sheet, Samsung rates the S8 at 3,000 milliamp-hours (mAh), the same as its direct predecessor, the Galaxy S7. But Samsung employees told me during interviews at the company's headquarters in South Korea that the capacity is actually slightly less because of the battery redesign. Read more...

More about Note 7, Galaxy Note 7, Samsung Galaxy S8, Galaxy S8, and Samsung from Tech

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