Friday 31 March 2017

Twitter just killed the default 'egg' profile photo


Twitter just lost what is arguably its most iconic feature: the egg avatar. 

Since 2010, when you signed up for Twitter, the default photo was an egg, meant to "reference how eggs hatch into birds." Cute.

Over the past seven years though, the meaning of the ubiquitous Twitter egg has spun out of the company's control. 

As anyone who spends time on Twitter knows, the accounts with egg avatars are often the worst offenders. Harassers and bots tend to prefer to be eggs.

Eggs became so symbolic of abusive behavior that it was possible to use the two terms interchangeably. "My mentions are full of eggs," meant the same thing as "A bunch of people are harassing me right now."  Read more...

More about Twitter Eggs, Jack Dorsey, Twitter, and Tech from Tech

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