Wednesday 29 March 2017

Twitter released three long overdue but actually awesome features for Periscope


"RIP Periscope," creators and analysts have been crying. Twitter's decision to introduce going live in its main app, release an API and increase the presence of the app throughout Twitter — let alone killing Vine — have caused them to foresee an end to Periscope.

Not so, apparently. Twitter announced Wednesday (amid the frenzy that is Samsung Galaxy S8's release) three new features on Periscope. 

The first: Periscope videos can now play directly in Moments. You may say that's putting two dying properties together, and hey, maybe you're right. But for now, live videos from Periscope will improve Twitter Moments, which feature curated collections of tweets and videos.  Read more...

More about Business, Tech, Apps And Software, Jack Dorsey, and Twitter Moments from Tech

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