Thursday 30 March 2017

Jack Dorsey: Profit is just, like, a choice (also Twitter is going to live forever)


Jack Dorsey runs two big, well-known businesses (Twitter and Square), but he doesn't think one of them needs to be profitable, despite how much Wall Street would like it. 

“Profitability is a choice, right? It is a choice between investment and driving profit," Dorsey said at Twitter’s international headquarters in Dublin, rounded up in a piece by Silicon Republic

"We believe there is a massive opportunity to grow and invest in the business. In terms of running the two companies, for me it is not a matter of time, it is a matter of focus and making sure we have a good understanding of what matters most and how you prioritize it," he continued.  Read more...

More about Silicon Valley, Jack Dorsey, Apps And Software, Tech, and Business from Tech

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