Wednesday 29 March 2017

How Samsung's Galaxy S8 compares to the iPhone 7


Samsung's spared no expense cramming in as much technology into the Galaxy S8 and S8+ as possible.

There's no denying that they're beautiful and powerful phones. Their "Infinity Displays" alone make them drool-worthy. Plus, they've got headphone jacks (woo-hoo!) But how do they compare to the best premium phones on the market?

Look, we know, speeds and feeds don't matter as much as they used to but they still do on some level. Dimensions tell us whether a phone is easier to use with one hand and whether it'll fit in your pocket. Display resolutions help us decide if a phone's good for mobile VR or not. Battery capacity gives us an idea of how long we'll be able to Snapchat for. Read more...

More about Lg G6, Google Pixel, Google, Pixel, and Phone Comparison from Tech

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