Thursday 30 March 2017

Those GoFundMe campaigns can't simply buy Congress's internet history


The road to hell is paved with good intentions. And of course, very often these days, crowdfunding campaigns, too.

You might've recently come across a link or eight for two different GoFundMe campaigns bouncing around the social web. Their aim? To crowdfund the purchase of members of Congress' internet histories. Both campaigns were inspired by Republicans in the Senate and the House, who recently voted in favor of taking away privacy protections on your internet data, which were set up by former President Barack Obama. 

Obama's privacy measures never sprang to life, though, because of the aforementioned vote by both houses of Congress. Now internet service providers can pimp out your data for the foreseeable future (assuming President Donald Trump signs the legislation, which he's basically expected to do). Read more...

More about Privacy, Data, Cards Against Humanity, Isp, and Internet Service Providers from Tech

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