Thursday 30 March 2017

Your college email account may be one of millions for sale on the dark web


Imagine you're walking down a highway when you suddenly find the keys to a vault full of personal information. Now imagine you find nearly 14 million keys and vaults, all belonging to people who went to or worked at a college somewhere in the U.S. 

That would be insane — but that is, in digital form, what a March report published by Digital Citizens Alliance says the group has found on the darker side of the information highway. 

According to the report, "13,930,176 e-mail addresses and passwords belonging to faculty, staff, students, and alumni" at "higher education institutions" are available at sites on the dark web. The University of Michigan alone has 122,556 email addresses out there, and other Big Ten schools are right behind it.  Read more...

More about Data, Privacy, Passwords, Emails, and Universities from Tech

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