Tuesday 27 June 2017

Apple wants to hire Siri a personal assistant to keep up with the cool kids


Are you tired of that awkward moment when you ask Siri to check if it's National Awkward Moments Day and your iPhone leaves you in a lurch?

Apple's AI assistant is tasked with answering your questions and keeping track of your busy schedule, but Siri can't always keep up with all the events jamming the packed-out pop culture calendar. The blind spot for fabricated social media events, aka hashtag holidays, is apparently so glaring that Apple is searching for a real person to add some expertise to the AI. 

The iPhone maker recently listed a new job posting,  spotted by 9to5Mac, for a "Siri Event Maven." The ad's thirst is palpable, incorporating some cringeworthy recruiter-speak to describe a position that will essentially serve as an assistant for Apple's own AI assistant to keep it up to speed on what the cool kids are buzzing about.  Read more...

More about Apple, Iphone, Jobs, Holidays, and Siri

http://ift.tt/2rZaXET from Tech http://ift.tt/2rYI3F2

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